As advanced students of mediumship it is important that we have the ability to be able to read the quality of energy of what we are working in at any given time. Thus knowing when we can enrich the information with further information or alternatively and equally important knowing when we have exhausted a particular pocket of information and when to move on to the next pocket of information.
This exercise is suitable for 2 students working within the same energy (a double link) on the platform.
Before proceeding the 2 students must decide who will be medium number 1 and who will be medium number 2. Medium number 1 must establish the link with the spirit world and proceed to carry out the mediumship. At all times medium number 2 must have in their mind that they are staying within the energy and the space of medium number 1, which will allow them to become aware of the spirit communicator who is communicating with medium number 1.
As medium number 1 proceeds with the mediumship, if medium number 2 feels that any statements (evidence) made by medium number 1 has scope for improvement through depth of information, medium number 2 will take their awareness to the communicator and invite the communicator to give more information on the previous statement that medium number 1 has just made to the recipient.
After which medium number 2 will intervene and verbalise their findings to the recipient i.e. adding to the evidence. This must be done minimum once, maximum 3 times throughout the duration of the exercise. After which medium number 1 can give the message (reason for coming) and bring the exercise to an end.
This exercise should take 10-12 minutes.
Do discuss your findings.