Exercise for Intermediate


The following exercise is designed to allow the recipient to feel the presence of their loved one who is communicating from the spirit side of life. 

            This exercise is suitable for both one-to-one sittings and to be demonstrated from the platform. 

            After the student who is working has given themselves time and space to activate and attune their mediumship I would like them to proceed with a regular one-to-one sitting, giving evidence and information to the recipient about the individual who is communicating from the spirit world. 

            I would like this process to take approximately 10 minutes. Once your recipient is comfortable that they know who the communicator is, I would like the medium to begin to give the message (reason for coming) however, during this aspect of the sitting, preferably once, for approximately 1 minute when suitable, I would like the medium to verbalise as the loved one from the spirit world, for example; if the communicator was expressing their support to the recipient because they were going through a challenging time in their life, the medium may say something to the effect of “your mother is expressing her support for you from the spirit world at this time”, where in this exercise the medium would verbalise it as the following, “I’m giving you my support at this time” (words and thoughts directly from the mother, the medium verbalising as the mother).

            This has a psychological effect upon the medium, which in turn brings about the wonderful phenomena of encouraging the communicator to blend even closer with the medium i.e. stepping closer to the recipient, which brings about the desired effect of allowing the recipient to feel the presence of the communicator, for example, their Mother.

            Following this, I would like the medium to bring the sitting to an end, remembering how the communicator wishes to end the sitting, not how the medium wishes to end the sitting. On completing the exercise, you can discuss your findings (did the recipient feel the presence of their loved one during the sitting?) and then change roles. 

            Please remember, there are many different types of evidence. If your client can feel or is aware of their loved one from the spirit world, can I suggest that this is spiritual evidence.